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4.4 ( 8904 ratings )
Utbildning Böcker
Utvecklare: Mario Plantosar
0.99 USD

★★★★★ Featured by Apple in "Whats Hot" ★★★★★
Top 10 Paid Apps in Croatia
Dont let yourself to come on your Croatian class unprepared ever again. This app contains more than 80 condensed books for primary school and high school in Croatia. Every book contains few words about the author of the book, theme, basic thought, summary and character analysis.

IMPORTANT: The idea of this app is not for students to stop reading books. This app should serve just as a reminder.

If you need a book that is not in the application contact us on: [email protected]

Ne dozvolite si da na sat Hrvatskog dodjete bez procitane lektire. Ova aplikacija sadrzi vise od 80 sazetih knjiga za osnovnu i srednju skolu. Svaka lektira sadrzi nekoliko rijeci o autoru djela, temu, osnovnu misao, sazetak djela i analizu likova.

NAPOMENA: Autor aplikacije ne potice ne citanje lektira. Aplikacija bi trebala sluziti samo kao podsjetnik za procitano djelo.

Ako trebate lektiru a nema je u aplikaciji kontaktirajte nas na: [email protected]
CONTACT US: [email protected]